Tanna & Jennah Petfleet Away Mission
Tanna & Jennah Go To The Ball Game By Tanna Shea Skaggs

Photo courtesy of Tanna Shea Skaggs’ social media platform
Jennah and I went to our first-ever baseball game. Luckily, the home team won! While there, Jennah sang along with the crowd, and got treated to popcorn, hotdogs, and pulled pork! She also attracted a staff member who asked if she could pet her. She told us her story and I empathized with the fact that her pet was wrongfully taken from her! So, Jennah and I gave her a hug and assured her that we advocate for all animals and people.
Being a trained service dog, Jennah loves to help those with disabilities; she just simply can sense them. Jennah’s been doing this for years now her first job that started her long-life career was at Peckham, where she first started out assisting me. However, like her human counterparts, Jennah moved up the ladder and realized that she had to help people with needs, and with my help, her vocation took off.
I’m sad to say though, that we are moving sooner than expected, as our stay in Michigan is ending this month. It would be a nice sendoff if I could get someone on my ship or STARFLEET International to contact the media, and try to get Jennah on, to show what good she’s done for people. I’d do it myself, but it would look like I’m bragging. Besides, I’ve tried once before, a year ago, and it didn’t catch on.
But I think the people Jennah has helped would love to see her on the news, to promote the help she has brought to everyone.