Final Mission
Losing a beloved pet is an emotional journey that transcends the bounds of mere companionship. It is an indescribable loss that leaves a profound void, echoing the absence of a cherished presence. The sentimental bond formed with a pet is unique, a silent language of unconditional love and loyalty that words often struggle to capture.
Register your companion for a final mission to the rainbow bridge to immortalize their memory through time and space.
Poem Of A Dog
Submitted by CAPT David Yee, USS Parallax, R11

Remembering our loyal companions
In this boundless universe, we’ve shared our voyages with companions who’ve provided us with unconditional love, joy, and comfort. As we navigate through the stars, they have been our steadfast co-pilots, exploring the unknown with us and enriching our lives beyond measure.
Today, we take a moment to honor those who have recently embarked on a journey to the great beyond. This section is dedicated to the memory of our beloved pets, whose paw prints are forever etched in our hearts and whose spirits now roam the infinite galaxies.
As they cross the Rainbow Bridge on their Final Mission, we celebrate the time we’ve had with them and the indelible mark they’ve left on our STARFLEET family.
CAPT Jude Peace – USS Bonaventure, Region 1
CAPT Roberta Staymates – USS Wessex, Region 4
ENS1 Eivor Allen – USS Appleton, Region 20
COMM Lynn Harper – USS Renaissance, Region 13
COMM Lynn Harper – USS Renaissance, Region 13
ENS Tricia Riel – USS Golden Gate, Region 4